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To firmly stick the flip book with your device, please clean the removable adhesive with water and dry it in a cool and ventilated place, then you can re- install it. Once you have pasted them, let them sit for 30 minutes to allow them to adhere more firmly.
*The removable adhesive can be cleaned by water, please dry it in the shade to prolong its life.
Thank you for choosing our products!
PITAKA’s Flipbook is only compatible with Apple Magic Keyboard (11-inch/12.9-inch) and Apple iPad Pro/Air models.
The Apple Magic Keyboard comes in two sizes: 11-inch (applicable to the following models: iPad Pro 11-inch (2018/2020/2021/2022), iPad Air 10.9-inch (4th/5th generation)) 12.9 inches (applicable to the following models: iPad Pro 12.9 inches (2018/2020/2021/2022)) The Apple Magic Keyboard of the above two sizes can be used with Flipbook.
Apple Magic Keyboard is different from the Apple Smart Keyboard folio: their structure is different, please refer to https://www.apple.com/shop/ipad/accessories for details.
If the customer is using Apple’s Smart Keyboard, or a third-party magic keyboard (such as Logitech, etc.), due to structural problems, they are not suitable, unless the third-party magic keyboard is made of Apple’s Magic Keyboard is exactly the same.
Tutorials: FlipBook Case
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FlipBook Case
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